- Download setup.exe from here : http://cygwin.com/install.html and execute it
- Choose install from internet
- When you specify installation location be sure to choose a directory path that contains no spaces in it
- Choose a mirror site close to you
- After you choose the mirror and click Next, Cygwin will download and present to you the list of available packages:
- I suggest that we install the entire Devel branch. Click (once) on the word “Default” next to the root Devel node and wait few seconds while the setup hangs. When it is back, you will see that “Default” changes to “Install” for the Devel node. Then press next.
- This might take long, may be half an hour or may be 1 - 3 hours depends on your internet connection. let it to be installed and create a short-cut on the desktop.
For detailed steps with screen shots please see step 2 in post below: